Password protection for My Passport for mac


I just bought this 1 TB portable drive for mac. When I connected it to macbook pro, it did not give any option to install WD smartware on the mac. The Time Machine backup SW on mac does not have a provision for password protection unless I choose to encrypt the disk, whcih I do not want to(I am told it really runs slow). 

So question is- is it possible to download the WD security SW (this is one of the downloads available) onto my mac and set up a password and then use Time Machine for backup? Has anyone done this in any other way?



Yes, you can download the WD Security for Mac.

Check the link below

Please note that at the time that you are running the backup, the drive needs to be unlocked.

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I installed the security software last night and set the passwprd. Then I enabled the drive inthe Time machine for back up. everything went smoothly. I had problem ejecting the drive though even after quitting Time Machine, so I then had to shut down the computer and remove the drive. However today I reconnected the drive and the TM did its back up and then I was able to eject the drive normally. 

Thanks for the help!