Passport recognised, but "Unlock" screen won't load

Hi, hoping someone can help. I have quite on old MyPassport (P/N WDBAAA3200ARD), it has always been a bit temperamental but now when I plug it in to my laptop, it is recognised, solid light on the external drive but the popup screen to enter password has stopped appearing, so I can’t access any of the data stored. Any ideas? New driver to download perhaps?

It is a My Passport Essential device that supports WD Smartware through which you might have setup the security on it.

You can try download and installing the WD Security in order to isolate the issue and try to unlock the drive with it.

You can also refer the links mentioned below to troubleshoot for the issue.

If still the issue persists, you should try contacting WD Customer Support. You can refer the link given below for contact information.