No problems at all with my Clips!

I love my clips I have no trouble with them at all I actually prefer listening to music with them over my $200 AKG headphones and Yamaha amplifier.

It’s wonderful because I’m no longer tied to that big hardware I can listen to music anywhere.

Better yet, try the $200 AKG headphones with the Clip. You won’t believe your ears!

@tapeworm wrote:
Better yet, try the $200 AKG headphones with the Clip. You won’t believe your ears!

Agreed…there are people out there using $1,100 earphones with Clips!

Marvin, I was impressed with Ramon’s cool “Walk Good” logoed UE customs.

As some may enjoy a flashy car, others enjoy a nice pair of phones.  And such cool ones at that…

I no longer have them, but I’d love to hear the Sansa via the STAX phones.

Bob  :smileyvery-happy:

@neutron_bob wrote:

Marvin, I was impressed with Ramon’s cool “Walk Good” logoed UE customs.


As some may enjoy a flashy car, others enjoy a nice pair of phones.  And such cool ones at that…


I no longer have them, but I’d love to hear the Sansa via the STAX phones.


Bob  :smileyvery-happy:

They are awfully nice…if I could wear IEM’s, I would definitely aspire to those. The STAX, I would love to try those out someday.:smileyvery-happy:

I got word back from Andrew, he’s setting a pair of black iM590s aside for me when they arrive.  They look promising.  The Maximos are virtually bullet proof.

Bob  :smileyvery-happy:

@neutron_bob wrote:

I got word back from Andrew, he’s setting a pair of black iM590s aside for me when they arrive.  They look promising.  The Maximos are virtually bullet proof.


Bob  :smileyvery-happy:

When my ship comes in, I want to move up to either Grado RS1, or GS-1000(like fuze_owner-GB)with a nice desktop amp. Until then, these SR60i’s :smileyvery-happy:will do me just fine around the house. I might try something different for on-the-go, like Senn. PX100’s, at some point though. The KSC75’s can get uncomfortable on the outer earlobe after a while, and my headband mod wasn’t sturdy enough to leave the house with. :cry:

Message Edited by Marvin_Martian on 05-21-2009 01:58 AM

I tried my AKG’s with the clip I actually LOVE the clip headphones they have great BASS and the clip headphones are louder.

Has anyone noticed the clip headphones seem to have mulitple elements?  I think they are very well designed.

I’m playing just classical by the way.


@petipa wrote:

I tried my AKG’s with the clip I actually LOVE the clip headphones they have great BASS and the clip headphones are louder.

There is a volume control on the Clip for a reason. Sensitivity is not an indicator of quality per se, but volume has a big influence on sound perception. For a valid comparison, volumes have to be matched fairly closely.

One thing I like about the Clip is that it copes well with a really wide range of headphones. Now I don’t have any current hogs like K701s, but noise levels are quite low with Shure SE420s (which are fairly sensitive IEMs) and maximum volume still is sufficient for vintage Sennheiser HD420SLs (only moderately sensitive 600 ohm jobs) even though the “high” volume setting may be useful for these. HD580, HD590, HD540 (600 ohm) - no issues.

Message Edited by keyb_gr on 05-22-2009 11:35 AM

The impedence is different with my AKG headphones they are 55 ohms the clip headphones are 16 ohms? 

@marvin_martian wrote:

@tapeworm wrote:
Better yet, try the $200 AKG headphones with the Clip. You won’t believe your ears!

Agreed…there are people out there using $1,100 earphones with Clips!

I guess there IS an upside to my noise-induced high-frequency hearing loss!  BIG money-savings, LOL! :wink:

(Word to the young folks who thing they’re indestructable – do NOT park yourselves in the front row at a Grateful Dead concert! (not even ONCE, let alone over and over and over…) – and, ALWAYS wear GOOD hearing protection while target shooting!  EVEN if it’s “only” a couple of rounds!

Hearing damage is cumulative – and INEVITABLE – and PERMANENT.

Trust me, you’ll be a LOT happier as you get older, if you’re more careful with your ears than I was with mine.  You may not notice the damage for a few years – and you will definitely NOT notice it all at once – but, I can guarantee you that as you get older, the years go by faster and faster. and what seems like a LONG time “in the future” when you’re younger, will seem like an absurdly SMALL amount of time once you get a bit older.

 BTW, I’m quite happy with my Clips too (as well as my other Sansas).   I recently picked up a Zune 30, and I must say I am quite pleased with it, even though it does NOT allow me to connect as a drive, to drag/drop files (it MUST use its application to handle transfers, and the whole directory access thing is moot, as there’s NO access to the structure on the device, period) (yes, if you downgrade your firmware, you can sort of get a LITTLE bit of access, but you give up a LOT of features and functionality – not worth it IMO).

I find that things like video are a million times EASIER than with my Sansas (there’s a clue to Sansa somewhere in that – just a LITTLE bit of attention to coming up with a PAINLESS (and reliable) way to put videos on the Sansa players will result in a LOT more sales (even though the display on the Zune is BEAUTIFUL (and huge), the Sansas DO have VERY nice video display, once you FINALLY manage to get a video converted and loaded, and therein lies the rub, argh!)

That said, when it comes to things like audiobooks and podcasts, there is NO contest.  The Sansa Clip wins, and wins big. Audiobook/podcast handling on the Clip is SO much better than ANYTHING that I’ve ever seen – it’s just amazing.  (And, as good as the video is on the Zune, it’s audiobook and podcast managment is ABYSMAL!  I’m talking about “generic” audiobook and podcast material, i.e., standard non-DRM files, put into Audiobook or Podcast directories (on the Clip).

On the Zune, the only way to even try to deal with them is by tagging them, and then viewing by genre.  This means that they WILL show up if you do a big shuffle, and, they WILL clutter up your by-artist and by-album listings.  MAJOR pain in the donkey, compared to the VERY elegant way the Clip handles this type content.

The Clip remains an AMAZING value.  Truly amazing.  Anyone who doesn’t have a few of them on hand is doing themselves a major disservice, IMO.

Message Edited by PickMorel on 05-24-2009 03:57 AM

@petipa wrote:

The impedence is different with my AKG headphones they are 55 ohms the clip headphones are 16 ohms? 


That would explain the volume difference you are hearing.