This is a My Book Essential 2TB, about 7 weeks old. It worked great right out of the box. I did the firmware update, put the SmartWare in a folder (not used), and started to transfer files over USB 3.0. I left it plugged into the PC and it would always show up in Win7, no problem. It is approximately 94% full right now.
A few days ago it wouldn’t recognize…somewhat eratic. It hadn’t been accessed in a few days. So I rebooted and then it was gone, would not appear in “Computer”. I tried my other “new” 3TB My Book and that appears fine. I switched cables and power supplies, still not recognized. I reinstalled drivers, wiped the driver cache clean, notning. I called WD support and they were of little help. They had me install their LifeGuard software. LifeGuard only works if the drive is recognized under “Physical Drive”. That’s where the access to settings and tools are.
Does anyone have any idea how to get the data off? I am currently running the TestDisk but not sure I will be able to understand it’s steps once it’s done with the lengthy inspection. From what I can tell this drive has failed, it is corrupted, or just broken - and not from any file or misuse. It is faulty equipment with a short life span obviously.
The drive shows up but no longer show the “status bar” of available space.
Clicking on the drive letter does nothing but put the PC into thinking mode.
When I had WD support on the phone the drive (Disk 1) did not have a “Black” bar for Unallocated.
After starting to run TestDisk I noticed this 1MB of Uncallocated space appear. This is not good
Western Digital LifeGuard requires the drive show up under “Physical” in order to do anything. So this was
a waste of time. The tools are not accessible if the drive is only “Logical”.
When running TestDisk it could not find the partition. So I moved forward anyways.
TestDisk is now analyzing the disk and will take severl hours. It seems to find “Read Errors” every few seconds.
This is not good. I doubt I will be able to understand the instructions with TestDisk to fix this when done.