Hi, I am getting the “No backup targets found” message when trying to setup the first backup using WD Backup Setup. Keeps asking me to Rescan.
Computer is an HP - Omen By HP Obelisk Desktop. Windows 10. The hard drive is the WD easystore 8TB
Looing for a solution and not a lot of you can search here and maybe find something as I have spent way to much time doing that to no avail. Thanks
Hey @ThomasLane,
Try running the wdbackup installer.exe with Admin Privileges and then install the software in the system.
Let me know if the issue persists.
Not able to get that far since I can not complete installing WD backup. Had a WD employee try to fix via remote access. They got an error message 800E00f - COM+ and I was told to contact Microsoft. Going to just return the drive as I really want a plug and play backup. Several hours wasted on this already.
Hey @ThomasLane,
As the WD Technicians have already informed is with the COM+ System Application. A week ago I also faced the same issue while installing WD Backup on the upgraded Windows 10 PC. There are two things, either your COM+ System Application is Corrupted (if yes, thenReset Windows OS), or the service is not functioning properly. In the second case, it can be resolved by restarting the service. Worked in my case. Follow the steps below in order to restart the service :
- In the windows search bar, type “services.msc”
- when the services window will come up, look for the service - COM+ System Application. Right-click on the service and go to “properties”.
- Under the General tab, first “Stop” the service then change “start-up type” to “Automatic”. Then Click on “Start”, save the changes by clicking on “Apply”.
- Now look for - “Distributed Transaction Coordinator” service. Go to “properties”, Change the start-up type to “Automatic” , start the service and save changes by clicking on “Apply”.
Once the above-mentioned changes are done, run the wdbackup.exe file.
I am having the same issue. “No targets found” when I try to back-up. I did the instructions list above and still does not work. I have new HP PC