Please tell me I’m wrong…
After buying the WD My Cloud, going through 2 re-boots, & a firmware upgrade, Now I can’t backup my computers without buying more software?
I already have WD Backup software from a 1TB My Book, but it don’t find the MyCloud.
Is there another way to keep my systems backed up?
Again, most helpful!
Seems the Pro version is the only way to backup My Cloud 2TB.
Not expensive ($20.00), but seems a fix for the standard version would allow users the option to buy (not forced unpon them).
I did find many people that have taken back their My Clouds for refunds.
Most are saying the back-up works until ALMOST finished, then an error appears and quits on them.
Others say the backed up files don’t re-install…
So much negitive, not much positive.
Mine is working and I’ll let you know how it goes!
WD SmartWare Pro is already included within the installation files for your WD My Cloud. If it did not automatically upgrade by discovering your WD My Cloud, then I’d recommend checking your network settings. Is your computer part of a standard Windows workgroup? What happens if you temporarily lower the security level of your firewall and anti-virus software in case it’s blocking network discovery?
I have got the backup working.
Seems the standard software would not work, but pro did.