Need help, please

I don’t know if I’m even in the right place for this question.  I am not very computer savy, and was talking to a salesperson at an electronics store about getting a flash drive.  He showed me the mypassport essential and said it was a lot better for the money and would do what I want it to do…  I want to transfer my pictures and music from my old computer (runs on windows vista) to my new computer which is windows 7.  I also want to have those files handy so I can use them on my laptop and take them to family/friends and show them my pictures.  I am TOTALLY lost.  I have no idea what I am doing.  I have tried backing up those files, it has now been running for 3 hours.  I don’t even know if it’s doing anything!  And when I tried to back things up a few days ago within a few minutes it said it was complete.  I took it to my new pc and there isn’t anything there!!!  I was told I should be able to drop and drag, can’t figure out how to do that either!!  I am SO frustrated with this thing.  I’m sure I’ll like it once I figure out how to use it, if it does what I was told it would do…  Can anyone please help me???


If you are using the WD Smartware software that came with the WD passport drive.

The software will back up data from your old computer to the WD My Passport drive.

If you want to retrieve data back to the same computer, all you need to do is using the

Retrieve feature built into the software. It will put every thing back to the original location

or to wherever you wish.

Since you want to put the saved data to a new computer.

Here is what you need to do:

Plug the WD My Passport drive to your new computer.

From My computer screen or Explore screen.

Double clicks on the WD My Passport drive.

Double clicks on folder named WD SmartBackup

Double clicks on the folder named from your old computer.

Double clicks on the folder named the owner of the old computer.

From there you should see:







then just double clicks on each folder to explore your data.

Copy the data you want to the new computer manually.

For example copy all data from document to the documents folder on your new computer.

Copy Mail to the Mail folder on your new computer and so on.