Hello there,
I have a MyPassport wireless SSD device. From the very start I have noticed that it does not work very smoothly when it comes to the android app. The My cloud app nearly.never loads the Storage content (ends with network connection failure and error 905).
I was very happy after finding out it is supposed to support SMB protocol. But my real problems started there.
I have searched through many posts like these: My Passport Wireless Pro does not show up as a 'Network Share' storage in Windows 10? Here's the solution - #10 by NAS_user - My Passport Wireless - WD Community
The problem is the same: I cannot connect to the device SMB server from a modern OS, because SMB1 is.not supported anymore. I tried doing a manu firmware upgrade for the device (since alone it did.not find any updates) but that did not help (the fw update was from 2018). I tried enabbling min protocol version to SMB2 for the server (logged via ssh) but that did not change anything. I also tried to.enable SMB1 support on the client side (tried 2 PCs- win10 and 7). While I was then able to mount the drive, entering the mounted drive ended in explorer freeze and eventual crash in both cases. I was also not able to connect via SMB from an android phone (tried total commander with network extension or other SMB1 clients). The Storage dir was visible, but could bot load it (like on Windows OS):
Did anyone solve this problem somehow? Is there an easy way to update the samba instance to at least SMB2 on the device side? Are these drives even in use, as there are.no fw updates for them?
I would really appreciate all help…
I have not heard anyone successfully get SMB2 to run on the device. . .
You can get a Win10 PC to use SMB1, it is not enabled by default.
I have a (recent) android tablet. It seems to access SMB1 devices just fine?
Edit: Oh. . .are you using the WD android app? Yes . . .I hear all the OS/3 devices (I think the MPWP counts as an OS/3 device) are problematic these days. I access using VLC (since I like that a player app in general)
Hi, thank ypu for answer. You see thats the thing- Im ok woth SMB1, but the problem is I cannot access the Storage dir from any SMB client (ttied multiple windows 10 PCs with SMB1 enabled by hand or android clients). I can access the first dir but then cannot Access storage as the clients hang forever.
I also cannot access the Storage dir on the android My Cloud OS 3 app (error 905). Tried from the device’s AP or over a router same behavior.
I tried doing factory reset, havent helped…
I suspect this is a password issue.
Will power up my device later in the day to give more specific guidance.
Thank you. I am using the default credentials: admin and no password
So in Windows Explorer, you can see the “storage” share, but you can’t access it when you double click on it? That is strange. It should just “work”. No error message or anything? I am able to access the device using multiple Win10 PCs.
I do have SMB1 enabled (Under: Turn Windows Features on/off: Everything checked on “SMB 1.0/CIFS file Sharing Support”.
I wonder if you put in a password for admin user what happens?
I literally just started playing with SSH. Loaded WinSCP, and after enabling SSH on the WebUi, (with password); I was able to get into the device and was able to access files under "/shares/storage/
Yes, that is the exact behavior. I see the Storage dir in android my cloud os3 app, windows smb client, android smb client, but cannot access it. This happens on multiple devices.
When enabled the ssh, I can login amd exchange without any problems via scp as well.
I will put the password for the admin user and let you know what happens. Thank you.
I have setup the admin password:
This unfortunately did not change anything. I can see the Storage dir (after entering “\mypassword” in the explorers address bar) but cannot access it.
I have just noticed one more thing. Whe I ssh into the drive and go to /shares/Storage or /media/sdb1 and run ls command, the cli is busy untill I terminate the command… So I cannot ls either.
This is starting to sound like a bad drive.
I think I have managed to narrow the problem somehow. I noticed that all of this happens when the “data” led on the device is blinking or breathing. Right after the reboot, when its solid blue, I can access the dir via ssh and even SMB. It seems like the OS on the device is turning the drive off to save power, but does not turn it on correctly…?
The drive has a sleep function. Sounds like it’s not waking up. Try waking up by accessing webui ?
`There is Also a battery/performance setting in the webUi
Look for a timeout setting in the network settings.
Retry with unit plugged into power -
(Sorry: can’t get to device at the moment)
(It shouldn’t be acting this way)
Thanks for the answer,
The optimization switch in the hardware section of the webui is set to performance from the beginning. I was not able to wake it up the device via button or accessing web gui. I could not find any network/ timing settings anywhere…
I thought it was in the network set up Settings.
I won’t be able to check my device for a bit.
Try putting an SD card into the slot and see what happens – can you access it?
I presume you tried it with the unit plugged in? I presume you are out of return window? Consider RMA.
It does sound broken. Maybe a 4, then a 40 second reset?
Under wifi
Next to my passport wireless pro: press edit
Set wifi inactivity disable to never
Set auto reconnect to 30 min+
No gaurentees
Donyou have a screenshot maybe? I cannot seem to find this setting.
Try adjusting these settings. I am a bit doubtful it will work. . but you never know. The device “should” wake up when called. . .but then again; there must be some reason I set WiFi inactivity disable to “never”.
Hi, I was testing for few days, but it did not really change anything. The smb drive is sometimes accesible, and sometimes I cannot load it. Its pretty random…