MYbook puts JUNK files on C drive, chokes it off

 I have two of them, one for each computer. T hey both do the same thing.

So I am confident isn’t not malware or a virus. I checked with AV software to make sure.

This started the same day I used the MY book on each system.

Anyway, when I brought this to the attention of the tech guys, they

could not explain what the files were for, so I assume they didn’t

have any useful purpose.

I was told I had to stop a backup service to get rid of them. I would not complain, except

they were taking up a HUGE amount of my C partition, to the point where they choked off

the C drive entirely. One of them took up over 6 Gigabytes after being opened for a few hours ! !

Look in Windows\temp, you will see them on yours. I am curious to know how much space they are taking up.

They start with the letters: EQILTS or similar. No file extension.

If enough of you scream about this, maybe they will remedy the situation. There isn’t any good reason to leave the old

files around, they chew up so much space for no reason.

It is the Smartware. The easiest fix is uninstall Smartware and get a decent backup progran that fits your needs. I only used it once and uninstalled it.


I could do that, but I am kind of committed with the hardware I bought.

I would have to do a separate BACKUP schedule, so it’s inconvenient.

Any ideas what those JUNK files do?

What I have done in the meantime, is stop the WDFME process, then delete the TEMP files.

This has to be repeated if they threaten to choke off the C partition later.

I really don’t know I only used it once but I think it’s some type of temp file. Is there a setting to delete tempfiles on completion?


Oh yes, all the files are in Windows\temp, and they all start with the letters “EQILTS” in the file name.

They don’t have an extension on them, so I can’t tell what their purpose is.

Maybe some type of encrpytion, but I am just guessing.

If it was a VIRUS or MALWARE, why would this appear on BOTH computers?