I’m trying to access my 2TB My Passport drive, and it will not mount. It shows up in WD Discovery and I get notified when it’s plugged in, and it prompts me to unlock it, but after unlocking it the mount option does nothing. I’ve tried different cables and two different computers (both macOS) and the issue is consistent across all combinations.
I’ve run WD Drive Utilities and both scans (save for the full scan) say that it’s in working order. I’ve tried Mac’s disk utility and it’s SMART scan also shows good results. When I unlock the drive macOS’s disk utility shows the WD software partition correctly with all formatting and mounting options available, but for the storage section of the device it only shows 2TB unallocated data, with all formatting and mounting options grayed out.
I keep trying to select ‘mount’ through the WD discovery app and all that happens is I cannot click the ‘mount’ option again immediately afterwards. Then after about 30 seconds the option becomes clickable again, but it always yields the same results.
I’ve been troubleshooting for a while and I keep coming to dead ends. Any help would be much appreciated.