i use my passport wireless pro with vlc application on appl tv4k. (use network 5GHz)
when i stream movie HDD, yes it can watch smoothly.
but when i watch movie 4k, i cannot see movie smoothly, it stop hang…can see a few minute and stop again, wifi is not stable.
what can i do or may have some trick for setting up.
I have same issue with iOS-made videos made by iPad. They stop, stutter and buffer when played by MPW. The problem is not the wi-fi because same videos run fine when streamed to same iPad by my My Cloud NAS that is wired to network. Movie mp4/m4v files made with Handbrake play fine from MPW. So, wireless 5G signal is fine between NAS and iPad. The problem is that the MPW does have the processing horsepower to play complex videos like 4K; it was not designed to do so. Until WD puts better and faster processors in their MPWs, this problem will persist.
So, if I want to watch movies types (other than mp4) via my WDTV media player on the TV, I always play them from my NAS. The MPW has only mp4 type of movies on it for playing only on our iPads and iPhones, although I can stream mp4/m4v files from MPW to TV if I wanted to, but I do not…
after discuss with wd support seem to be, now my passport wireless pro cannot stream movie 4k
Try this idea to see if you can improve the situation:
If your MPW is connected to the home router (and it should be for home use for best performance) send movie to router via one band and receive on viewing device on the other band… For example, send using 2.4G and receive by 5G If the same or worse quality, then reverse the band you send and receive on and see if it is improved. Use what works best. Using two bands improves throughput.
thank you very much from your idea, it’s work i did test as your suggest
Rounter ——> MPW with Home wifi 2.4G
MPW ———> Apple tv with MPW 5.0G
Result is GOOD
Rounter —-> MPW with Home wifi 5.0G
MPW ——-> Apple tv with MPW wifi 2.4G
Result is POOR
Rounter —-> MPW with Home wiif 5.0G
MPW ——-> Apple tv with MPW 5.0G
Result is POOR
When i first see this promlem bec normally any device in my home use only 5.0G, but seem to be MPW reponse to Homw wifi 2.4G better, i don’t know what a technical why it happen like that.
Anyway, Mike thank you very much for your suggestion and can close my issue.
Glad the suggestion helped. Thanks for the feedback. I am not a WD staff member, just another user like you, so I can’t close out anything.
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