My Passport Ultra is no longer readable

Hi everyone,

Last ditch attempt to recover my data…

I have a My Passport Ultra. When plugged in, WIndows recognises it (it pops up as a drive, is shown in Disk Management etc), but if I click on the drive Windows Explorer hangs and I can’t see the contents of the drive.

The light flashes 12 times (around 4 seconds), stops, then repeats.

I’ve tried on different laptops, with different versions of Windows and different USB cables - same thing always happens.

I’ve also:

  • Changed the drive letter. No change.
  • Run quick and full tests from WD Utilities - both just come back with ‘Drive Test Failed’

Is there anything else I can do or am I at the end of road?



If it failed the test then i believe the drive is defective. You can try recovering the data using a data recovery software and if this does not work then you can contact a data recovery company.

I suspected as much, but thanks for the input @Hamlet