My passport ultra - 2tb

Hi everybody.

Oops I did again … I bought ANOTHER WD External Drive, as the title of the topic.

This is the screenshot.
Where should I put my files ?
Should I make a new partition ?

Thanks for the answers ( see my previous post, seen 276 times but where unfortunately, very few people sent  a feedback or some real help )

I guess the drive, anyway, is definitely dead

Best regards to all


I’d recommend copying the user manual into your computer alongside the Extras and Apps folders to keep an archive of those files, then proceeding to format your hard drive, which is always recommended before using it in order to re-create a clean partition.

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Thanks for your answer
Do I have to use some special programs to format the unit or the Windows Utility is enough ?
Or should I do it via WD Software ??


A regular formatting/partitioning process using Windows will suffice.

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Ok i will :slight_smile: Thanks :slight_smile:

How did it go? Were you able to format your hard drive?