July 1, 2017, 7:08pm
Mypassport v. 2.4.16 - S# [Deleted-Privacy] - WINDOWS 10 - EXTERNAL DRIVE.
When I boot the computer I get an error message about my Passport Recycle Bin. it also asks me if I want to empty it, but I can’t find it to try to see what the problem is.
Other user were experiencing a similar issue, but it was not related to the Passport.
See if this helps.
As soon as I connect MyPassport to my PC I get a warning message saying “The recycle bin on F:\ has been damaged. Do you want to empty the recycle bin for this unit?” (It might be slightly different since I translatd this message from swedish.) The same message appears as soon as I delete anythin on my computer, not only on F:\ (MyPassport). My OS is WIndows 7. Does anyone know how to get rid of this anoying behaviour?
I have just downloaded the latest upgrade for my WD passport Ultra. But now have a notice pop up each time I turn on my computer on. it says thatt he Recycle Bin associated with the drive that the WD Passport Drive is connected to is corrupt.
It give me an option to empty it, but even if I say yes to that option, the next time I turn on the computer the notice is there.
I have looked at my file structure on my windows 8 but do not see a seperate recycle bin associated with the drive the notic…