It worked fine yesterday, never dropped or anything, When i plug in the passport it makes the noise but doesnt show up in the “My computer”. On the bottom right cornor it has a usb icon so I clicked it and it shows up that it is working fine and plugged in.
Any one have any idea why its showing in 'My computer"
Why are you using EXFAT? If you have Windows 7 NTFS is the best choice unless you are using on something that needs EXFAT. If you can access the dive now the best thing to do would be recover all of the data you want then reformat the drive NTFS.
If you are trying to format it then you don’t care about the data is that correct? If so here is a refresher on partitoning Make sure you delete the partition/volume. This will wipe out the data. Sometimes a third party aprtition tool may work better. Here is a free one look around in products. I can’t think of much more.