After clearing my computer of a lot of problem files and getting rid of pesky AI programs forced upon my laptop, I noticed my External Hard Drive was not working properly.
I was able to plug it in, hear the windows plug in noise, but I was unable to see it in my File explorer.
When I open my WD Discovery, it doesn’t show me ‘My Passport’ anymore but ‘HFS+ 1’ which claims itself in Read-only mode.
However when connected to another PC, I can access all of my files instantly without WD Discovery even being installed.
When I go into Device Manager and Disk Management, it shows up however Impress unable to do remotely anything to it; all options are greyed out in Disk Management.
I would like to try and stay away from reformatting it
When checking Windows Powershell, it says it’s not in read-only so I honestly can’t figure out what could be wrong.
Since you are able to access the files on another laptop, I suggest to backup all the data on it first, then simply reformat it and copy the data back.
HFS+ is a Mac format. Did you have some kind of 3rd party tool to read Mac drives on Windows?
That’s the weird thing, yeah?
While WD Discovery (what I’ve been using to read it) says its a HFS+ format; the backup program that WD suggests, Acronis, says it’s still a NTFS format.
And it’s obviously still a NTFS format cause how would I be able to use it on another window computer?
Well, All I know is what you posted. It’s possible that , during your cleanup, you deleted/removed something related to a driver. Do you have another other USB drives to try? Do they work ok?
Have a look in Device Manager and see if there are any “caution” symbols under Disk Drives, and USB Controllers. Also look under Portable Devices and see if the drive is listed.