Normally, it will take about 5-10 seconds for WD to show on desktop
but this time it’s never.
so i use disk utility to check it. this is what it shows
i have connected WD with window system, it also cannot be detected but it shows on disk management.
so how i can i fixed it?
or at least backup my data?
Hi itthiphol, have you tried using another USB cable? Avoid using USB extension cables or USB hubs sin these can cause power inconsistencies. Have you also tried using a data recovery program? Using Google you should find several options you can try.
Hi jubei04
no i haven’t tried another USB cable, cos i don’t have it.
i always connect my passport for mac directly to usb socket.
i think it will be resolved in easily way, so didn’t try anything yet, just wait until i can talk to someone (technicians).
right now, i am not sure what will happen if i click mounted on mac or initial on window. i guess if i do that, it will all gone and i have to use data recovery program, which is very troblesome.
i follow “windrush” from other post " not able to mount hard drive"
1. Run "Activity Monitor” first and then plug in the problematic HD. Notice a program called “fsck_hfs” suddenly starts up using alot of CPU power.
2. Highlight this file and in the window that opens up, click on the “quit" icon.
3. The HD suddenly shows up on your desktop as usual and a window opens up saying that the drive is unrepairable, BUT you can copy/recover files off it and save to another drive. Breathe a HUGE sigh of relief and away you go!!!
seems like mac users have this problem a lot, not sure if it’s WD or not, but i have the same problems with my last seagate HDD.