I have formatted my WD My Passport Essential 500GB to FAT32 to make it readable on my PS3 (Fat) and LG DVD player… But its not working and the devices (PS3 & DVD Player) can’t recognize it!!
Can anyone tell me why? and if there is another way to make it recognized by the PS3 and DVD player ??
Try using a third party format tool like this http://www.partitionwizard.com/ Another problem may be the VCD on this drive and all of the drives that come with Smartware. That could be blocking the drive connecting with those devices. May be you can disable the VCD in those devices. There is no way to delete or remove it
One more thing… If I want to backup files (all files) for more than one laptop using my passport (WD smartware); will it save the backup seperately for each pc and label them automaticaly, or i have to do somthing to keep the backups seperated?
It would be best not to partition. Your devices would only recognize one partition and I don’t know if you could select which one. A drive partitined FAT32 will only handle files of up to 4 gig. The Smartware wouldn’t work because of the file size limit. You would really be better off with 2 drives. One for the videos and the other for backups. If you get the devices to recognize the drive after reformatting could try shrinking the partition then create a new one format that one NTFS and see if everything still worked before you filled the drive.
they should get saved in their own folders. that’s if you’re using smartware. otherwise, you can just create separate folders for each of your computers and dump the files in them.