My Passport 4Tb Mac OS extended journaled

Hi there,
Can you explain me how I can format my 4TB My Pasport into MAC OS Extended Journaled?

Every time I triy to fix it on my Mac, it say failed. MediaKit says that there is insuffiecient space on the device to do what you want.
(Dutch: MediaKit meldt dat er onvoldoende ruimte op het apparaat is voor de gevraagde bewerking.)

Solved with help from support: change it to a new one

Hi mentinkj,

We’re glad to hear that the issue has resolved. Appreciate your feedback.


Sorry Peter, not solved @ all. The new drive has got the same problem. Trying to erase, not possible. I hve the same problem like anyone els in this group: “I went into Disk Utility, selected “My Passport,” clicked “erase,” selected “OS X Extended (Journaled)” as the format, and clicked “erase” once again. After working for a moment, it told me that the operation had failed because “MediaKit reports not enough space on drive””

I’m looking for a Windows machine to try if Windows can format it, otherwise i will return it to the reseller.

Hi mentinkj,

Maybe you should try contacting WD’s Technical Support about this.

To Contact WD for Technical Support

The link below will allow you to call support if you are having trouble with the form.

Peter, I found out what the problem is. Maybe is is something to write down in a specifique way for new users.

If you try to change the format i to a Mac format, the program only shows the name of the external drive, You have to go one level up. In Dutch standard is “show all volumes” You have to change it into " show all devices". Than it is more easy that you click on the right subject. And that works!!