Greetings to all, I have a Windows 7 64 bit OS. My external hard drive has the internal light, and is humming, on but the laptop does not recognize. WDBACWOO30HBK–OO is the P/C. What can I do to recover the files ? Thank you. Ldxrunner
Greetings to all, On my right in the lower right corner on the taskbar, the My Book is recognized. When I go to Computer, on the Start Up Menu, the external hard drive is not recognized. Thank you. Ldxrunner.
I have the same problem but only when I’m using the eSATA cable. I’m also running Windows 8 Release Preview. Still looking for a solution.
With Windows 8 did the drive work when first connected or did it happen later? Does the drive show in Disk management?
I am also having the same problem with a similar desktop running Win7 x64.
Greetings I have Windows 7 not Windows 8. The disk management does not recognize the external hard drive. This happened all of sudden on July 30 Tuesday. The external hard drive was working fine prior to Tuesday. The lower right corner task bar recognizes when I plug the external hard drive in, but the disk management does not recognize it. I am going to take it to another computer to see the results. Thank you.