I formatted my Passport Ultra as advised when I got it in September. It did a Time Machine back up of my computer at the at time.
Now it brings up the ‘WD Drive Utilities’ app and i put in my password but that as far as it’ll go. it just closes at that point. It won’t back up at all.
Im using a almost 6 year old Mac desktop running OS X El Capitan version 10.11.2
Please help
This is what I can see. As soon as I ask it to run a scan it switches to the bottom post 

I have same Problem with my WD - my passport ultra.
It works good on windows. I reformatted it for Mac OS: exFAT.
When I plug it on my macbook(OS Yosemite) usb port it works for 1 minute and then turns off and appears same screen “Attach a supported WD drive”. I try many times.
Help Please.