My book starting to act weird

Well, recently my  3 tb wd my book have begun acting weirdly.

Some of the files I copy to it shows up as an invalid file on my TV, or when I try and open the file it says file damaged or corrupted or it just will exit the HDD completely or just show that folder as empty.

I have tried to repair it with the auto tool options with scan and repair, or the search and and repair damaged sectors. The windows tools.

And I make sure that I have cleaned the trash can on the drive and such.

After several attempts I got some of the files (video files) to work, meaning that the first 10 video files were transferred and I was able to watch those, but the last 12 weren’t and showed the circle with the x in it.

Oh and when i try to safely remove the usb it says its busy even though i have finished copying to the HDD and everything is closed. So i have to shut off my computer just to make sure im not ‘not’ safely removing it.

Have anyone experienced this as well? Or have any idea of how to fix it?

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Hi, I would run a DLG test first to verify if there is any hardware damage. If the test completes fine, backup all of your files and format the My Book. Check the links below for more information. 

How to test a drive for problems using Data Lifeguard Diagnostics for Windows

How to partition and format a WD drive on Windows (8, 7, Vista, XP) and Mac OSX 

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Thanks for the response. Well i ran the test and it said everything was fine.

The thing is, i have around 1 tb in storage in the HDD. And i dont have another HDD i can back it up to. Is there anyway to partition it so the last 2 TB becomes seperated and then i can back it up to that?