Hello! I have a new My Book for Mac that shuts down shortly after it turns on. Am I missing something? I have an old Book that worked fine, but I’m stumped with this one.
Hello! I have a new My Book for Mac that shuts down shortly after it turns on. Am I missing something? I have an old Book that worked fine, but I’m stumped with this one.
Make sure the drive is plugged in directly into a wall outlet to discard any power issues.
I am having the same issue. It is the first time I have used this hard drive and it will shut down shortly after I turn it on and it is plugged directly into the wall.
Still having this issue and can’t find an answer. Connected directly to the wall outlet. I’m stumped. Also have ‘put disks to sleep when possible’ turned off.
There are (at least) two of us with this same problem. I have my computer and the hard drive plugged directly in the wall. There was a few days where the hard drive miraculously worked and I was able to work off of it for hours. Now I am trying to work on it again and it shuts down immediately after it powers up.
Thank you for any tips you might give us.
I also have the same problem with a My Book 4TB Hard Drive.
Everything connected and plugged in the socket.
Says there’s a RAID configuration error.
Tried the WD Drive utilities.
Start analizing the drive and it’s off.
Telling me to connect a proper WD unit.
I turned the Hard drive back to the shop and got another one.
Same problem.
I have a Mac Book Pro from 2010, 3,06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 8GB DDR3 Memory Ram running smoothly with OS X El capitan and three other previous WD Hard drives.
Haven´t gor a problem before whatsoever.
Till now. The funny thing is that I already purchased last year the same 4TB HD and works fine.
Could be a bad batch?
Thanks to everybody for the help.
I am having the same issue.
Thank you for any tips.
Same thing here. Just bought a new 4TB WD My Book because a 1TB I bought two years ago is starting to fail. I’ve spent 8 hours copying files, while the old drive intermittently kept randomly dropping off my system (requiring a complete shut down and restart to get it to show back up). Now I’m trying to play catch up and in the middle of a 1 hour render in Media Encoder the new drive just drops off (stopping my render) and then re appears. And this drive gets a high rating for external hard drives. I’m not playing X-Box here I’m trying to keep my job. What gives WD? I called tech support and as long as the drive works they tell me they can’t do anything. Really?
I am now on my THIRD drive and it is still doing the same thing. I think I’m going to ask for a refund and go elsewhere. So very disappointed in Western Digital.
Just received my new My Book for Mac (3TB). After about a minute or two, it shuts down. What give. This is my second drive. Had to send the first one back.
I wish someone could give us some insight here. So disappointed.
My own My Book Duo 4TB just started doing this too. First it started powering down occasionally for no reason, but I could still power cycle it and continue using it. Now it powers down whenever I connect the USB. It will stay powered on as long as I don’t connect USB, but once I hook up USB to the PC, the disks start spinning up, then it power cycles before it finishes, and sometimes repeats that process. I feel like it’s either a power supply issue inside the unit, or a cable/connector problem. I’m going to open mine up and see if I can determine the problem.