I have recently bought the newest My Book 3 TB (model WDBFJK0030HBK). I used it on my old laptop with Windows XP and USB 2.0 without any problems. Yesterday I have bought a new laptop with USB 3.0 only, and since then, I can’t use my hard disk (My Book 3 TB) anymore. It connects at first, then randomly disconnects (within 1 minute), sometimes reconnects but always disconnects again very soon (and sometimes it doesn’t reconnect at all).
Well I found information about the newest firmware for older version of My Books which fixes that problem. But the new My Book doesn’t seem to be recognized by the WD Firmware Update Tool.
Please note the following - if I connect this My Book back to my old machine with USB 2.0 and WinXP, it works perfectly fine.
I also have My Passport Essential SE 1 TB connected to both machines and I have no problems with this one. So it is clearly (well, at least most likely) a firmware issue.
On the Support page for the newest My Book, the WD Firmware Update Tool is not listed. Does it mean it isn’t compatible with the newest My Book series?
I really hope that I am right and it is just a firmware problem that has to be updated.
EDIT: After many tries, the WD Firmware Update Tool finally told me straight “This version of the WD Firmware Updater does not support the attached drive. Contact technical support for assistance.”, so this is what I am doing now…
Also make sure your new PC is all up to date on drivers. Double check and see if you have everything I think you need Adobe Flash and netframework 3.5. In the windows 8 beta netframework needed to be enabled I think.
I am having the same issue with my 3TB My Book external drive. I also have a 2TB My Book drive that doesn’t experience any issues at all, only the 3TB drive. I have both of them plugged into USB 3.0 ports. If I try to transfer large files onto the 3TB it will disconnect, then reconnect and have to start all over again…very frustrating. I bought this mainly to put backups on, but no way with these issues.
Here’s an update on my My Book USB 3.0 connect/disconnect issue. I decided to do a little of my own troubleshooting to try to pinpoint the problem. I tried different USB ports, plugging into different wall outlets with no change. However, I have a similar 2TB My Book and decided to try the USB cable from that drive. It worked flawlessy after using the cable from my other drive, so apparently, I have a faulty cable. I’d have never thought a brand new cable would cause any problems. I was wrong!! Western Digital was very prompt in sending me an email regarding my issue and will be sending me a new replacement at no charge. Everybody gets pretty upset and impatient regarding these kinds of issues which I can understand, but please be patient and try your own troubleshooting if you can. The forums are also a big help. Hope this helps those that are having a similar problem.:manhappy: