My Book - Password

Hi, I just got the MyBook 3.0 and have realized that there is no way to backup specific folders when using the WDSmartWare software, a real pity and a big limit of this software. So I uninstalled the software and backed up my folders directly. My question is: How can I protect MYBook with a password without WDSmartWare ? I would be more than happy to use WDSmartWare but the lack of the just said functionality does not enable me to use the software. Thanks for an alternative suggestion for the password, Alex

I’ve found that mannually doing the copy paste of files is the best way to use the drives and I agree that using the password feature on the drives is great but as far as I know theres no way of using the password feature with out smartware. I suggest re-installing smartware for just using the passwords and just not use it to backup your files, just keep your files in a folder on the drive. Hope it helps you.

Hi there

If you would like to protect your drive with a password without using smartware try this to see if  it works.-

Bizzy wrote:

 but as far as I know theres no way of using the password feature with out smartware

Sure there is… kinda… that’s what the “Unlocker” app on the VCD is for.

You should be able to install Smartware, password-protect the drive, and then uninstall Smartware.

If you have a password-protected drive, you don’t need to install Smartware on every computer you want to use the drive with – that’s why WD put the Unlocker on the VCD in the first place. :wink: