My Book icon doesn't appear on Desktop nor in Finder even after WD Unlocker is unlocked

The power light on the MyBook 3TB Studio (which has been working up until this morning) is on, but since a brief power outage this morning , the My Book icon doesn’t appear on my iMac MountainLion’s desktop even after I unlock the external drive with WD Unlocker.  When I try again, the WD Unlocker tells me the drive’s already unlocked.  Really?  So what now?  Please reply in elementary terms as if we were in WD for Dummies, etc.

Greatly appreciated!

Hello, once you unlock the My Book open the Disk Utility to see if it is recognized there, from there you can try to repair any problems. 

How to test a drive for defects or problems on a Mac 

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Thanks.  I get this message after I hit Verify disc and then disc repair:

Disk Utility can’t repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files.

If my external drive doesn’t work, then how would I back up the files?  Mwaaaaaa…

Thanks in advance.

Hello again, some of your files seem to be corrupted, if you need to recover them, you might be able to do it with the help of a data recovery program, using Google you can find several options. After you recover your files you can format the My Book to use it again normally.

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