My Book Essentials drive recognised by PC but not by WD Drive Utilities

The subject just about says it all. I installed the utilities because I wanted to see what I could do about the drive going to sleep and failing to wake unless i either reboot the PC or unplug the power lead to the drive. Anyway, the drive works - I’m playing music stored on it as I write this - but the utilities say “Attach a supported WD drive”.

Do the utilities not support external drives?

I have downloaded the Lifeguard Diagnostics and the drive passes these tests (quick abd extended) without problem. So, does that mean that the drive is working as intended and that after a period of inactivity it cannot be ‘woken’ by any activity other than power down and power up or a reboot of the PC?

If this is the case, _ can someone tell me whether this behaviour is built into the drive or the USB interface? _  I have a spare slot in my PC and it might be easier to remove the drive from the case and connect it directly to the SATA interface. It is out-of-warranty so nothing lost by trying to get it to work in this way!

Hello, what My Book model do you have? Not all My Book’s support the drive Utility App. The My Book should wake up without having to turn off the PC or disconnecting the power cable, be sure to connect the My Book USB cable directly to the PC, avoid USB extension cables or USB hubs, also try connecting the  My Book power cable directly to the wall.