After a recent update My Book Essential 2TB lost system icons and disappeared from the start program listing. I cannot get up WD Smart page to back-up my laptop. OS is Wind. 7. Thank you for any help.
Please go to “Computer” and make sure the drive is seen there. If it is seen, then you just need to download and install WD Smartware latest version.
If it is not seen on computer then I recommend that you follow these basic troubleshooting steps:
1- Connect the drive directly into a wall outlet.
2- Try connecting the drive to the back USB port for testing purposes.
3- Go to “Disk Management” to verify if the drive is seen there. If it is seen on Disk Management but not on computer then it means the partition on the drive is corrupted and you will have to format it in order to be able to use it again. Please note that formatting the drive will delete all data stored on it.
For more information please click on the link bellow:
The Smartware download fixed the job. Your help much appreciated, Thank you from Nostram