I have a 2TB My Book Essential 3.0 and it doesn’t pick up when plugged into a USB 3 port.
I have tested and know the following
Yes, the port is working
Yes, the cable is working
Yes, my motherboard is working and it is running the latest BIOS
I am running Win 7 64 with SP1.
When I plug the Mybook into a USB 2 port it works immidiately.
When I unplug the MyBook leave it for a while and plug it into a USB 3 port it also work.
However it never works when I boot up the computer and it is plugged into a USB 3 port. I have found some people with the same issue but none of the suggestions have resolved my issue. I uninstalled Smartware, I disabled legacy usb support in the bios, updated the drive firmware to 1.12 and I even reset the bios but nothing helped.
I am so fed up with WD, I have had nothing but issues, first with my MyBook Essential which broke, then with the MyBook live and now this with the USB 3 port.
Hope someone can help!