Hello! I have a 2 week old My Book Duo (dual 3TB) running as my external drive on my late 2012 iMac running MacOS Sierra. Lately I’ve had an issue that when I wake my computer from sleep to use it, I hear the drives spin up, but then if I try to access any files through finder, it won’t show me any files past the root set of folders. If I click on an iTunes song (which is pulling songs from the drive) it will give me an infinite pinwheel and won’t play the song. I noticed on the desktop instead of the usual single icon for the drive, it shows multiple (it is currently showing 5 of them and the disk is inaccessible). If I restart the computer, the drive connects as normal and seems to function properly until the computer goes to sleep again. Any idea what is going on and how to fix it? I obviously can’t keep restarting my computer every time I need to come back to it to do some work Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Hello creativeoutlaw,
Have you tried turning off the sleep mode of your MAC system and then use the drive?
If doing that also doesn’t resolve the issue, You should try contacting WD’s Technical Support about this.
To Contact WD for Technical Support