My Book Duo 8TB Backup Settings (help)

Hello there!

I just bought the My Book Duos 8TB and set it up to a RAID1 backup plan. In order to check if it’s possible to recover lost Data if lets say the RAID controller is damaged i took out one HDD and plugged it in a SATA Adapter. I was a bit shocked to find out that hardware encryption is enabled although I did not set a password. According to the documentation, hardware encryption should only be enabled when the password is set! I think that’s a bug?! Because of that it’s impossible to recover the data if the RAID controller is damaged which makes me question the purpose of this product?

What does this mean for using My Book Duos as a backup plan? What happens if the My Duos case (the controller) breaks? Is the data gone even though the two hard drives are in perfect condition?

Or would it be possible to order a replacement case that decrypts the hard drives? Or are the encryption keys tied to the one casing?

Thx in advance