My Book Duo 6T (2014) Rapidly Flashing White Power Light

My drive suddenly unmounted a few days ago and will not mount again. The white Power LED flashes rapidly. I’ve looked online, in the manual and contacted support (no response yet) and cannot find a mention of the rapid flashing with the white lights. Does anyone know what this means?

I can see the drive with WD Drive Utilities, Status Check works, but the Quick Test won’t complete no matter how long I let it go—it stops at 90%. Under RAID Management it says Status is Healthy and both drives are Online. I can hear at least one of the drives spinning (may be both, it’s hard to tell).

I tried to mount it using Apple’s Disk Utility and it failed. I’ve swapped out cables and power cords with my other WD drives and tried the Reset button, no luck.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.

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Hi jimmythecalf,

Maybe you should try contacting WD’s Technical Support about this.

To Contact WD for Technical Support

The link below will allow you to call support.