My Book 4TB Not Recognized by Windows 7

I received a 4TB Mybook 1230 several months ago, but have not attempted to use it until this weekend. When I plug it in to my computer (OS: Windows 7 Ultimate), it makes the system sound acknowledging that an external device has been plugged in, but nothing happens. The Autoplay window does not appear, and My Computer does not display the additional drive. I have attempted the following:

  1. Plugging the device into every available USB port on my computer.
  2. Verifying the driver version (currently up to date)
  3. Running the DLGDIAG software (recognized by the software; passed all tests)
  4. Verifying the drive appears on Disk Management interface (though no drive letter is assigned and right-clicking on the drive has all options grayed-out)

a) In Disk Management, the drive has 3 partitions in it (127 MB, 200 MB, 3725 MB). Only the 127 MB portion had any optinos available, so I assigned a drive letter to that one. It completed without issue, but the other two still have no options available.


Make sure the drive is plugged in directly into a wall outlet. Avoid any extension cords, power strips and surge protectors. If the drive is seen on disk management you can try to format it. If you are unable to format it then you can try writing zeros using WD DLG. Please note this will delete all data stored on the drive.