My Book 4TB drive Backup Speed

I have set up my new My Book 4TB drive for a complete back up of the C drive. When I launch the back up I get the message that the back up is in progress and the size of the back up 155GB. It seems to be taking a very long time to back up. After about 14 hours it had only completed the back up of 90GB. I have now paused the back up.
Is this speed of back up normal for this drive? The WD Discovery screen is now showing that only 58% of the drive available. Strange considering that the back up was only for 155GB. I have done similar size back ups to other drives previously and they completed very quickly.
Is there something I have missed? Any help oir suggestion would be appreciated.
OS: W10- v 1709 OS build 16299.334
WD Discovery v.3.0.250
WD Back up v 1.9.6598.18388



Typically the first backup on WD Backup takes a long time and uses nearly twice as much or more drive space as what is being backed up. In your case the 58% does seem excessive. I suggest you let it continue and see how it works once the first backup is finished. Do not do hourly backups, because each one uses more space. Try daily or once a week.
Your WD BAckup Version agrees with mine.

Hi Cliff,
Thanks for your response. I think there is another problem. Although the screen says that the backup is paused, there is no option to resume. I am thinking of starting afresh. How does one go about clearing the old “paused” backup and start again. I am thinking of reformatting the drive and starting all over again to be sure that it will be clean back up. Your thoughts / suggestion will be much appreciated.