MPW only works when connected to PC via USB

Hi All,
My Passport Wireless 2Tb has lost all functions except when connected to my laptop via the USB. In this instance, I have access to all files as a mapped drive.
As soon as I detatch it from the laptop, the unit goes dead. I am unable to turn it on using the buttons and there is no WiFi, in fact, no lights at all. This means I can no longer Reset using the buttons or use the Wireless function or access the Dashboard online.
Does anyone know if there is a way to revive full functionality?
Many thanks,

Sounds like a worn out battery; has it been left discharged for a long time?

Hard to revive if it won’t charge at all, however, the battery can be replaced if you have the skills and can find a dealer. The forum has had threads on the issue before: My passport wireless 2T, battery bloated

Thanks ragnarok,
Yes, there was a recent period where the unit was left uncharged for some time. Now that you mention this, it seems logical. I’ll see what i can find regarding replacing the battery and give that a go.