Memory iXpand Flash Drive Go

So I bought an iXpand Flash Drive Go to transfer around 100 GB of pictures. Now it is making an automatic backb up of all those pictures.

But I see the used memory of the flash drive going up a lot. With around between 1-2% of the pictures backed up, the used memory of the flash drive already is 54 GB of 256 GB.

I know if you buy a drive you don’t get all the memory available which is written on the product, but I did think 100 GB would fit on a flash drive with 256 GB without a problem.

I did look at the memory of some pictures which already were backed up, and those have the same memory size.

I don’t understand.

Hi @Confer ,

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the SD Technical Support team for best assistance and troubleshooting:

Flash drives, like any storage device, have some reserved space for system files and hidden data needed for their operation. This can include things like file allocation tables, thumbnail caches, and journal data. While this shouldn’t be taking up 54 GB, it could be contributing to the higher-than-expected memory usage. also, it could be possible that your drive is creating duplicate copies of your pictures during the backup process, or that some of the data is getting corrupted, leading to inflated file sizes. Try checking the drive for duplicate files and ensure the backup process is completed successfully without any errors. Otherwise, check using the computer what is causing this issue.