So we have a new WD Passport External Drive ( WDBAAA3200ABK).
It was taken and used at another location to put data on it. I believe that they were using Macs.
Now I’m trying to recover the data and the drive is recognized but I cannot see the actual files.
I’m able to see the partition under Disk Management. It shows a drive with no volume name, basic type, no listed file system. Status show up as Healthy (Unknown Partition) 297.44 GB.
I need to get the data off but I do not have a Mac at our location. Any software suggestions? Or other solutions to access these files?
That passport was formatted for Mac’s, Windows will see the drive, but won’t read it or any of the data on it. You will need to get another drive that’s formatted in FAT32, go back to the Mac copy all the data off the one drive onto the FAT32 formatted drive. Then, Windows will be able to read the data. If you have any files over 4 GB’s, you won’t be able to copy them onto the FAT32 formatted drive. It has a 4GB filesize limit.
Thanks for the quick answer. Unfortunately we have no Macs on-site and the files are in a different state.
I tracked down a program called MacDrive. It appears to provide the missing link for me and I am now able to move the data from the HFS formatted hard drive to my Windows NTFS hard drive.