Looking for advice on which Micro SD Card to purchase.

These are the cards that are on my radar. I like the A1 classification on the Sandisks, but I heard that some complaints about Sandisks not playing nice with Surface products. I also heard that Samsung is the most reliable. I’m gonna use the SD card for my Surface Pro 2017. I’m gonna use it for Apps like Steam, Itunes, some benchmarking apps and for storing files.

So my question is, does the A1 classification really make a difference? Can my Surface Pro even read and write fast enough for the beefier Sandisk Extreme? Which one would you pick and Why?

@edenfords wrote:

These are the cards that are on my radar. I like the residential property in mumbai A1 classification on the Sandisks, but I heard that some complaints about Sandisks not playing nice with Surface products. I also heard that Samsung is the most reliable. I’m gonna use the SD card for my Surface Pro 2017. I’m gonna use it for Apps like Steam, Itunes, some benchmarking apps and for storing files. flats for sale in mumbai


So my question is, does the A1 classification really make a difference? Can my Surface Pro even read and write fast enough for the beefier Sandisk Extreme? Which one would you pick and Why? suraj palette

Thank you

A blatant attempt at spamming. :angry:

No thank you!!!