Is the SanDisk 512GB worth it for SP6?

I want to upgrade the storage on my SP6. Currently have a 150gb SD card stolen from an old smartphone. I have been eyeing up kinemaster mod apk some of the sandisk.

Is there a big cost benefit over the Ultra and Extreme models (i.e. the Extreme is more expensive but is the jump really download alight motion mod apk worth it and can the SP6 benefit from that speed).

Tempted just to go all in and get the 512GB Extreme as it seems to be the biggest you can get at the moment but also cautious of being an ■■■■■ and buying something that isn’t actually worth it!

I’ve been trying to research for a bit but can’t make a decision up. Anyone smarter than me in these things care to lend some advice please.

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Get the extreme, if into content creation the write speed will affect performance, and the ultra is just much slower than the extreme for that important metric. Also higher grade flash may have a longer write life, I’m not sure on this one, they don’t seem to publish tbw, not that it should matter as one should never really trust data to a flash drive without backup anyways.


Have the extreme; the ultra is just slower than the extreme for that crucial statistic if you’re creating content since write speed will effect performance. It’s possible that better grade flash has a longer write life, but I’m not sure because they don’t appear to publish this information. Regardless, it shouldn’t matter because you should never actually trust data on a flash drive without a backup.