Is my SSD bricked?

WDBLUE 570 500GB HORROR STORY. This is my only internal drive which also has my OS. So long story short, i left my OBS running last night on my PC, and fell asleep. Which entailed it to record the entire night idle. When i woke up this morning i half asleep realize my PC was on, turned it off but glanced at the message “NO DISC SPACE” by OBS. I knew that wasn’t right, as i tried to cancel my PC just shuts down (thanks windows!) Booted back up, boom straight into BIOS. No matter what, i cannot get my SSD to even pop up on boot drive sequence list. It’s as if i have no drive, this came with my pc so i don’t know what settings in my B660 to set up. I know without any space, the OS cannot properly run but i can’t get this SSD to show up on any other pc bios either. I’m in dire need of help, or at least someone to say my data is recoverable. I’m employed at activision & have some serious work on that computer that is very much needed.

Hi @neo
Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

USB M.2 USB-C boxes are cheap, might be time for a new SSD as the SN570 is getting on in age