Well, all of my USB drives are bootable, including my 1 TB hdd, except for my U3 drives… Most are Windows PE bootable but one is a Linux BIOS/UEFI bootable and the later is not 64 GB, more like 4 GB and it is FAT32 format.
I don’t know what formats MAC supports but there is a series of EXT formats for Linux.
SanDisk hasn’t made flash drives as hard drives in years. Are there vendors selling some of the old stock, probably. Are there vendors selling counterfeit drives, definitely. Are there vendors selling used drives, definitely. Are there vendors selling drives and not allowing them to be returned if the buyer is unhappy, definitely.
So, rather than worrying about model numbers, worry about buying from a reliable source so if you have a problem you can return it. Quickly & easily. New SanDisk flash drives are all seen by Windows as removable. And Easy2Boot will make them bootable., even on new UEFI systems, which should be more of a booting concern than model guarantees.