I have not use my external disk my book like 1 month and today i connect it to my compturer (an other one of before) and i can’t acces to my files.
1- driver in device manager its ok i can see wd my book 1140 usb device in disk player section (?) whit no error
2- in device manager i see wd drive managment devices whit no error
3 in windows section Peripheral and printer i see a my book device
when i click to open it freezing and somethime the windows explorer crash.
On the computer i use i dont have the app smartware can i download it
im on windows 8 64b
sorry for the quality of english language im french
tanks for help
You should try some basic troubleshooting:
1- Connect the power adapter to the wall directly.
2- If the computer is a desktop, connect it on the back USB port (directly to the PC, not through a hub).
3- Make sure you hear the connection sound windows makes when recognizes a USB device.
4- Go to "Disk Management” to verify if the drive shows up there.
If the drive shows up in disk management but it is not seen on Computer, then it means the partition is corrupted and you will have to format it in order to use it again. Please note that formatting the drive will delete all data stored on it.
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I think the partition is corrupted i dont see other problem.
But how i can format it if i cannot acces to it?
If the drive is seen in “Disk Management” then you should be able to format it.
How to partition and format a WD drive on Windows (8, 7, Vista, XP) and Mac OSX