How to repair a blown PCB after 19V supply

Hello, so it happened to me too, I confused the monitor adapter with the HDD (3.0TB WD) adapter :.(
I studied a bit about it and thanks to @fzabkar I found out that it is probably just a blown protection in the PCB. I took it apart and found out that the motherboard is not labeled as the others who wrote here had it, but I still think that I found all the diodes correctly. I measured them and they all look fine. The only component that looks like it won’t pass voltage to the diode is blue S connected to 12V (highlighted in the picture). You don’t know if it’s a fuse and if so, how to look for a replacement?

That’s a 4 amp smt fuse. If you are willing to accept the risks, you can flow a blob of solder over it. Otherwise, you can find a replacement at Digikey, Mouser, Farnell, RS Components.

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Thank you for help, I ended up making bridge by with a thin copper wire and accept the risk. Unfurtunately now is hardisk reconnecting every second (its make one sound of connecting and immediately three sounds of disconnect (short sound)) also hardisk not start spin. Tried on different device and the problem persists. Can you help with some advice?

Find a replacement PCB and transfer the “ROM”.

I recommend this supplier:

They will transfer the ROM for no extra charge,

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So this is PCB so damaged that it must be replaced? What is transfer ROM exactly?

I suspect that the motor controller IC is damaged.

The “ROM” is the 8-pin serial flash memory IC adjacent to the MCU. It contains the first stage of the drive’s firmware plus unique, drive specific calibration data.

@fzabkar thank you very much, I replace mother board with new and now it working and I have all data. God bless you!

Hi @mlok

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