What is the search command or how do I search for a specific file on my WD My Passport portable hard drive. These files WERE NOT copied to the hard drive using the backup command. They were moved to the hard drive using the DRAG and DROP method.
Which operating system are you using on the computer? And what sort of file?
I am using Windows 7 and the files I would be looking for would be Microsoft Word or Excel and sometimes jpg files as well.
Try enabling show hidden files.
The MyPassport should appear like any other drive under Windows Explorer.
So plug in the drive, open Windows Explorer and it should be listed as a drive under the Computer entry in the list on the left hand size pane. Click on that to open the root of the drive in the main right hand pane, then up at the top right hand corner just enter what you’re looking for in the search box (the one just underneath the minimise/resize/close buttons).
The PC should then go away and search the drive for files/folders which match the criteria you entered, and will list them in the main pane. Then just click on the one you want as normal to open it.
For example, if you want to make a list of all Word documents, enter *.doc or *.docx (depending on your version of Word) in the search box. Similarly Excel would be *.xls or *.xlsx, and jpgs as *.jpg or *.jpeg.
Basically the MyPassport should appear as just another drive on your computer, and you can search it like any other drive. Alternatively you can use the search box at the bottom of the start menu, but that will take longer and give many more results as it searches the entire computer (all drives, not just the MyPassport).