My problem is that my WD mybook duo was set to be a RAID1 with password.
After “encountered a RAID error” I now have no access anymore to it - WD unlocker only asks for the password but always tells me “wrong password”.
A user suggested me the DataREcovery tool by Stellarinfo - but
if I connect the WD mybook duo to my mac - nothing is detected as a drive
if I use a simple SATA to USB adapter and only connect 1 drive (from the RAID1) to my mac it is detected - but the info only shows it as a 1.6TB disc (but its in fact a 4TB WD red).
Anyone here has experience in recovering data from a RAID1 that has a password set ?
Data Recovery applications do not normally bypass encryption and security.
What happens when you try to unlock your unit from Windows in order to verify if the unlocking utility is not recognizing your credentials on your Mac?
When I put both drives into the WD MyBook Duo case only the power LED lights up blinking RED.
Both drive lights dont light up at all !
When I then connect the MyBook to my Mac ONLY the “WD Unlocker” App gets mounted to my desktop.
The drive itself is neither recognized by Mac Finder nor by the “StellarPhoenix MacDataRecovery” Tool.
If I put out a drive from the case and connect it to my Mac using a SATA to USB adapter - the drive is recognized by the “StellarPhoenix MacDataRecovery” software - but only as a 1.6TB drive - the software can run scans for sectors and such - but it shows that the full scan would take 24hours - so i didnt do that yet.
If I connect the WD mybook duo to a pc with both drives attached - nothing happens - the WD applications work but Unlocker and Security only ask for the password. The WD DiskDiagnostic can only read the SMART Status but nothing more.
If I connect ONE drive to a pc using the SATA to USB adapter its also again recognized only as a 1.6TB disc.
In order to recover data from your WD Mybook with RAID setup you’ll have to use Stellar Data Recovery Technician instead of Stellar Mac Data Recovery as Mac Data Recovery don’t have the option to recover data from RAID. Using Data Recovery Technician you can easily recover data from your RAID setup but you’ll have to connect the drives to a windows system as this software doesn’t run on Mac Systems. I’ve tried to recover data from RAID setup and was able to fully recover all my data. This software also helps in creating image of hard drive for quick recovery. You can first try free version of this software from Stellar’s Official Site.