Folder view on the Clip

Folder view. Alphabetical order on the Clip, please!!!

I think you got your point across. No need for the giant Font.


Forum Admin


Message Edited by slotmonsta on 09-10-2009 04:47 PM

Say, what? Could you repeat that a little louder, please!

Too subtle. If you want anyone to know what you’re requesting, you’ll have to say it plainly.

Thanks for letting me know you want me to put folder view on the Clip.  I want you to wash my car.  OK?

Don’t be childish.

Message Edited by PromisedPlanet on 09-07-2009 11:02 AM

If personal attacks were allowed, you would be a prime target, OP :neutral_face:

I would just change the request to, firmware upgrade for the Clip, putting the Clip+ firmware improvements on the Clip?

When, SanDisk?  Please advise?

Or better yet, have a thread that’s dedicated to requests.  People can convince themselves that SanDisk will read it, and they can stop cluttering the board with these individual, redundant request threads.

For the OP only, I hope they implement folder view, alpha order but with navigation and playback functionality disabled until some future update.

@promisedplanet wrote:
Or better yet, have a thread that’s dedicated to requests.  People can convince themselves that SanDisk will read it, and they can stop cluttering the board with these individual, redundant request threads.

There’s already one of those here. It’s called the Product Feature Suggestions board. :wink: