Need help here. When I plug in my new drive it shows in devices & printer but doesn’t show when I pull up my computer or windows explorer. Any help or advise would be great.
Does it show in Disk Management and does it have a drive letter assigned?
No it doesn’t show in disk management.
You didn’t mention the name of the drive. Make sure you are not using a cable longer than supplied or connecting through a hub. If it is a powereed drive plug directly into the wall instead of a surge protector. On a desktop try a port on the back. If possible test the drive on another PC. If none of that works it is probably a bad drive.
I just purchased a brand new WD 750GB Blue drive, mounted it in an external enclosure, plugged it into one of six USB ports on my Toshiba laptop running Windows 8.1 64-bit. The drive shows up in Computer management as Disk 1 698.64 GB Online Healthy 100% Free, but it does not show up in Windows Explorer with a drive letter. I think it needs to have a drive letter assigned to it. How do I go about this? Nothing I have tried so far has worked. Help would be appreciated.
Aha! I found the advice I needed at… I found this source by doing a google search for “assign drive letter to new hdd windows 8”
Now the drive is being recognized in My Computer. CDDub