I’ve been using the drive daily and last night at one AM it was still functioning the same as always. I went to bed and when I woke up around 7 I noticed there was an error message in that a file I was moving to the HD couldn’t be moved due to it thinking the drive was suddenly disconnected. I checked and it was still plugged in and nothing had changed from last night so, after assuming I could just unplug it, plug it back in, and restart, I noticed it was not showing up in My Computer. It also doesn’t show up under Disk management at all. When I disconnect and plug it back into the PC, it lights up and you can hear the motor humming but it never boots into the computer.
Disk Management only shows the internal computer drives I have. Under Device Manager there is an IDE controller file with an Error but I dont know if that has to do with the Passport or if thats something different altogether.
I have tried downloading and installing the WD driver all over again and other than that, can’t seem to figure out what to do. It wasn’t dropped or anything, and hasn’t moved since last night. I tried checking the computer and plugging other usb devices into the different slots and moving the passport around to the other usb spaces too and everything else works except the drive.