Drive not mounting

My external drive was working fine yesterday, went to plug it in today and it will not mount. It shows up under System Report and Disk Utility but nothing else. I’ve tried cmd+r and running disk utility/first aid there and it failed. Is there anything I can do or has it died?

If your drive has a external power supply and power cord, check that it is plugged in to power supply.
If you can hear the drive clicking, but not starting it may be that the voltage has dropped on your power supply. Take both drive and power supply to electronic service company. Incidently if it shows on the report, then it is being ‘seen’ on the Cable connection, even though the drive itself is not spinning.

It could be a possible logical corruption of the disk. Do you have important data on the drive? Do you have the backup? If backup then you can format the drive and it will mount back. But do not format it if the backup is not made. For this data recovery software helps.

I am having identical issue. What do I do? All my photos going back 15yrs are on this drive and it won’t mount but it is seen in System Report. How did you fix yours?

Same problem with my 1TO My Passport for MAC. It doesn’t mount and I cannot reset since I have many pictures.

I’m having the same problems with 2TB My Passport - 0748