I’m testing my backup Server and would like to move away from tape and move towards external hard drive. I have two WD hard drives I am testing this out on, but the problem I’m having is that every time I unplug and plug in another external WD it changes the Drive letter. So I’ve went into Computer Management change the drive to the letter that I need it to be on, and the letter holds. When I plug in the previous external drive the letter on that changes.
What I would like to know is there anyway that I can permanently keep the same drive letter to the WD external HD? If so please help I would like to implement this feature to my backup server.
Man ok, thank you I thought for sure there was something out there like a program or a back way of doing it. Well I’ll keep searching if I can’t find anyhting them back to tapes I go, once again thank you.
Hi Genaro, you should be able to do this by assigning a drive letter between M and Z, that should be enough to make sure another drive doesn’t take the same drive letter.
I’ve looked into that as well, the thing that I was trying to do was set a USB port with a driver letter that would never change so my backup would be able to backup to that path that it is setup for, but what I have learned is that anytime I change the external hard drive the letter keeps changing as well. I was looking to see if their was anyway to keep the same drive letter on the USB port so it wouldn’t change, as I would swap out external hard drives.
Now with that being said would you think that there would be a way to program the external WD hard drive so that every time that it is plugged in that it would find the drive letter that I need or want, or is there a back way of doing it so that it over rides Windows changing the drive path. Or am I just dreaming of the impossible?